Concord residents contacting this site are expressing concern over what they say is an increased level of gunfire – ostensibly between rival gang factions – taking place in the city over the last 24 hours.
Neighbors noted rifle and pistol fire at Cambridge Park on Victory Lane at approximately 9 p.m. Friday, followed by reports of rifle fire in the 1100 block of Carey Drive.
Residents reported seeing shell casings on Carey after gunfire erupted at approximately 2 a.m. and said police canvassed the neighborhood in search of video footage capturing the incident.
OK, here it comes…………………………………..Yi haw, yippie ki yay, ITWWOT. Too many bad boys out in the streets….oh wait, that is from the banned song. You’ve got to tow a hard line…….to keep them in check. I could bring back my friends from SEB.
Firestone 11R
I’m not very familiar with Concord neighborhoods these days. Is this a known rough part of town? Scary for everyone.
Perhaps some of the folks who contacted us and live there will enlighten us…
I am not one of the people who reported, but I live in an adjoining neighborhood and don’t feel safe. Both neighborhoods have been declining over the past several years. I now believe that I am living in a “bad” area. I have been living in this home since 1978, am a senior citizen, and cannot afford to move.
Very sorry to hear that, Elizabeth, but thanks for checking in. We’re interested in what’s going on in the neighborhoods…
The worst neighborhoods in Concord have always been Monument (this neighborhood) and Solano. The Monument area has gotten a lot worse (illegals). It is a bad area thanks to gangs. Hopefully ICE will take care of it.
While the public ICE pronouncement is “get the bad guys”, this is political theater with arrest quotas made for headlines. After deporting the bad guys already in jail, the likely first targets are construction workers, landscapers, janitors, ag workers, housecleaners, and their children and the grandparents. Don’t hold your breath in expectation of any Concord gangs being deported. That’s a whole different agenda. Let’s support the local police in that effort.
How do you know they aren’t just targeting criminals to deport? Is this your opinion, or do you know someone that works with ICE? Do you have contact that is investigating the deportations?
Got to put an end to it…all this gun firing, robbing, stealing, carjacking, assaults, thievery, burglary, anyone firing a gun within city limits…no mater what age!!!!
HEY…find ALL the perps…capture them…take them to the nearest facility with a helicopter (Buchanan Field?)…load them ALL in a helicopter…fly 8-12 miles out and away…over unpopulated area (the ocean), outside of shipping lanes (past the Golden Gate)…climb to 8000ft…open the doors…and shove ALL the azzholes out!
Guaranteed they will never…EVER.. rob, shoot, injure, maim, assault, burgle, thieve, steal, cause any harm to anyone ever again! Tough justice…enough is enough! Left alone or released…It is only a matter of time before one or more of them cause much worse injury to innocent citizens or workers or property. Consequences-With-Teeth…eliminate all of them NOW!
Set an example ;-))
You can do better than this. It’s childishly simplistic in its conception, and extra judicial murder isn’t how we roll in the USA.
Thanks to News 24/680 for reasoned, reasonable, rational reporting. Would be nice if comments could meet those standards.
💯 Agree