Home NEWS Police/Fire Truck Owner Dials Up Police From Bed Of His Stolen Pickup

Truck Owner Dials Up Police From Bed Of His Stolen Pickup


Very fresh and still unraveling but various law enforcement agencies have stopped a Ford F150 pickup truck on High Eagle Road in Alamo – after the truck owner called to report his truck had been hijacked with him still in the truckbed.

Police are currently in the 200 block of High Eagle with the reportedly shaken victim. The driver of the truck was taken into custody at gunpoint, along with another man.

Details of this incident remain sketchy though it was believed to have started with a carjacking in Oakland, the owner calling police as the alleged car thief drove into the 24/680. The truck’s owner is believed to have made contact with the California Highway Patrol on the inbound ride, with a CHP helicopter acquiring the truck and spotting the man in its bed on I680 in Walnut Creek.

The helicopter crew tailed the truck until ground units could catch up, identify and follow it.

An ambulance was summoned to check on the hijacked truck owner, who was reportedly shaken up by the experience, but who got his truck back when the ordeal had ended.


  1. Must have had tools on board? Looks like an old beater truck.

    Fun fact from the peanut gallery…

    The residents of “High Eagle Road” organized to have their street renamed from it’s original one, “Gay Court”. Sadly not that long ago.

  2. Isn’t riding in a truck bed while the vehicle is moving, a violation? Knowing our upside down system, the victim will probably be cited and the criminal will be released.

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