Home NEWS Local Scene Crowd Protests Government Anti-Immigration Policy In Concord Sunday

Crowd Protests Government Anti-Immigration Policy In Concord Sunday

News24/680 Photo

Hundreds turned out to protest enforcement of immigration laws and recent ICE actions in Concord on Sunday.

A sizable crowd of several hundred people lined Monument Boulevard in protest of ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement – detentions. Despite a couple of tense moments the gathering was largely without incident.

We don’t believe there were any arrests.


  1. Back when this country mobilized to fight fascism my mother’s family organized food and gift drives for people in other countries and helped refugees get started here. People tell me those days are behind us and I guess they’re right. When did Americans get so mean?

    • Sandy – did your family immigrate at some point to the US? If so, I’m betting they came here legally, right? I’m betting they had to wait and were proud to be here. Illegal aliens cut in line, don’t care about our laws, and violate the law by being here. Is it “mean” to demand they follow the law like your family did? Should illegal aliens be given free education, health care and housing from your tax dollars while you pay for the same thing? The left wing perspective on this issue has caused this problem. Now, it will be cleaned up.

      • Your worries are valid – however this will impact produce/ farming in CA specifically. Americans look down on those jobs and our grocery prices will suffer. Some people have been here for decades and do pay taxes (pls look that up – in CA they contributed 8.5 billion). Immigration process needs to be streamlined and improved. Immigrants are essential to the US and what this country was built on. Respectfully, I can acknowledge validity in some statements you made and hope you can also see an alternate perspective.

      • Michael, every one of you so called “law abiding” legal immigrants from 1492 on are hypocrites in a country ILLEGALLY STOLEN from the original inhabitants.
        “Illegal” immigrants today are doing the exact same thing done by your forefathers then.
        Get off your high horse!

  2. They are after criminals, gang members & drug dealers. 88% of Americans say they support the deportation of the bad people.
    ( and I’m also getting tired of those, that whenever law enforcement does an action- invoke the thought of Nazi Germany.
    Though the Government’s overreach during covid should have been compared as such)

  3. If you’re not here legally, you need to be deported. Another poster told me not to “hold my breath” on ICE action in Concord. They’re already at it.

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