Home NEWS Local Scene Building-Ramming Trend Continues – This Time It’s A Walnut Creek Post Office

Building-Ramming Trend Continues – This Time It’s A Walnut Creek Post Office


Hopefully not a portent of things to come but a second vehicle made its way into a local building Friday morning, hours after an Orinda police SUV lodged itself in the local Wells Fargo Bank branch.

This time, a Jeep driver pushed through the front doors of the postal branch at 2244 Oak Grove Road, causing extensive damage to the building facade and interior.

The driver was apparently unhurt. Readers said a woman inside the branch was hit and hurt by flying debris.

Firefighters and structural engineers arrived to assess the damage and determine what repairs were needed.


  1. My sister was injured & had to be taken by ambulance to John Muir Hospital. The door flew & hit her in the head! She’s lucky to be alive!!!

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