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That’s 14.96 Billion – With A “B”


County Assessor Certifies and Delivers the 2023-2024 County Assessment Roll

(Martinez, CA) – The “2023-2024 Assessor’s Close of Roll Affidavit” was signed by Gus S. Kramer, Assessor, and subscribed and sworn to the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office, on June 30. The 2023-2024 Assessment Roll has been delivered to the County Auditor, as required by law.

The increase to the local tax base for 2023-2024 is over $14.96 billion. This represents a 5.94% increase in assessed value and brings the total net local assessment roll to more than $266.67 billion. The 2023-2024 assessment roll is the highest to date in Contra Costa County’s history.

Cities with the largest increases in assessed value include Oakley, Antioch, and Lafayette with increases ranging up to 8.49%. San Pablo, San Ramon, and Hercules saw the lowest assessed value increases ranging from 4.30% down to 3.86%.  The assessment roll now consists of 379,442 parcels, an increase of 1,202 over the previous year.

The Assessor’s annual letter to the Assessment Roll Reports can be found at: https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/79697/2023-2024-BOS-Close-of-Assessment-Roll-Letter-and-Reports-to-the-CCC-Board-of-Supervisors?bidId=


  1. Impressive!
    But, are we now going to hear about how bad proposition 13 -from 45 years ago- was and how they’re struggling to survive on the revenue?

  2. Negative real interest rates, AKA free money, fueled a real estate boom which will be followed by a multi-year bust with positive real interest rates on top of higher inflation. Courtesy of the geniuses in both parties who printed trillions of dollars to counteract the effects of a multi-year pandemic shutdown which should have been lifted after the first wave. Nobody did any cost-benefit analysis. Worse, they will do the same thing next time.

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