Home NEWS Local Scene Armed Robbery Rocks County Fair; $90k Loss Raising Questions

Armed Robbery Rocks County Fair; $90k Loss Raising Questions


Workers carrying an estimated $90,000 in gate and parking receipts from the Contra Costa County Fair were reportedly confronted and robbed at gunpoint while attempting to make a bank deposit early Monday morning.

The incident occurred after the fair ended its last day on Sunday and during an attempted deposit of receipts at the BMO Bank on Somersville Road in Antioch. Employees carrying the money said they were approached by at least one armed subject, surrendering the fair money and personal items after a weapon was aimed at their heads. The thief or thieves (no description available at this time) then left with the money.

Police said they were made aware of the theft at approximately 2:18a.m.

It was not immediately known why the employees attempted the deposit early Monday instead of during daylight hours. It was also not known why employees carrying such a large sum of money attempted to make the deposit while unescorted by security personnel.

The Contra Costa County Fair ran May 16-19 at the Contra Costa County Event Park on W 10th Street in Antioch and was by all accounts well-attended and trouble-free.


  1. “It was not immediately known why the employees attempted the deposit early Monday instead of during daylight hours. It was also not known why employees carrying such a large sum of money attempted to make the deposit while unescorted by security personnel.”
    Perhaps because they wanted a friend to take the money and share?

  2. If you’re working with that kind of money, you need an armored car pick up and to have your employees bonded.

  3. The employees are in on it. #1suspects
    County Fair is dumb for trusting 1 person without armed security with that money

  4. This one will be easy to solve. It was just too perfect at an imperfect time. Locked in an interrogation room for a few hours and somebody will crack. The cops are good at this.

  5. One has to wonder if early AM deposit of such a large sum of cash, without additional security measures is standard operating procedure (SOP) for the County Fair folks. Yours truly has an inkling that the prices for a funnel cake and a snow cone will be increased for next year….

  6. Question #1. How did the robber know to be there, at that time? Tipped off obviously.
    In 2006, at the Longs Drug Store on Olympic in WC, the bookkeeper was counting $ in the office upstairs. 2 robbers barged into the supposedly locked room, supposedly whacked her a couple times and took the dough. She had had that job many yrs and was the daughter of another store’s mgr. Turned out it was a total inside job, she knew the 2 guys, told them when and where and left the door unlocked. Lots of fake tears as she lay on the floor.

  7. I’m the President of the board out there. I’m one of several who responded to media inquires, despite being “ordered” by the fair manager, and suggestions from Sacramento to stay hush. That’s just wrong. A fair board is basically, uncompensated public members who oversee the fair and facilities. We are appointed by the Governor. The fair manager works for the board. I believe in transparency-and nothing should be covered up, so to speak. I owe this to all our fairgoers, community, and of course the youth of our beautiful county. This appears to be a major crime and should not be swept under the rug. No excuses for this. None. If I’m not removed for practicing our 1st amendment and speaking out about this alleged crime, I am afraid our public may never know. I’d take this risk anytime. We have a fair board meeting, second Weds of June. I encourage anyone who may have concerns to attend. While I fully support the fair, and Governors Office, I as mentioned, won’t be “hushed” it’s your fair. It’s our fair. We will work together to avoid such incidents like this from happening in the future. This isn’t the first robbery involving the fair in recent years. Allegedly there was a parking cashier robbed a fair or two ago. Of course once again “hushed” it appears. Not much to share on the past one but we will follow up, certainly on this latest tragedy.

    • Thanks for your commitment to the First Amendment and to transparency, Craig. Both are gradually being eroded. We are grateful for your candor and sense of honesty and fair play.

    • Should have had your paid reserve Deputies guarding the cash at all times. Of course I always refused to work the fair, but that is a different issue 🙂

      Firestone 11R

  8. Hmmmm, could be an inside job. The fair contracts with CoCo Sheriff for security at the fair, perhaps they should have paid a little more to watch the cash.

    Fiestone 11R

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