Photos from the scene in Orinda after a car with two aboard flipped rode a fence line separating businesses at 2 Camino Sobrante, tipped off the fence and wedged itself between a line of parked cars and the concrete abutment.
Took a bit for crews to free the occupants, who were shaken but okay. Appears some pedal confusion may have been in play.
A Wheels Up moment!
Try to do that again! Wow.
Is that what ‘riding the fence’ means?
At least the fire station is close. I think someone needs to give up the keys and start taking Uber.
Great if this would have been a dmv driving test that was passed
This isn’t reported accurately: another car was speeding the wrong way on a one way street and the victims (driving the correct way) swerved to miss it resulting in the accident. The other car didn’t stop and sped off, essentially a hit and run.
The perfect hindsight — three days after the fact.
Apparently theres video?
This occurred in a parking lot, not on a “street”, and there is nothing in the photo to suggest “driving the correct way”…The driver cleared a fence, and that is not defensive driving.
There is a one way street through the parking lot. It is how you exit in and out. The driver who fled the scene entered the wrong way at speed and the victim swerved to miss them which took them over the embankment.
My husband was on the scene when it happened and is in the picture above helping. Also corroborated in our local Nextdoor threads and by the Starbucks employees.
Something or everything corroborated by our local Nextdoor. Hmm. Authoritative.
Still, I’m guessing that when the police and/or insurance adjuster arrived they were discussing more than illegal parking with the unfortunate “driving the correct way” driver, you know, the person who actively steered and powered the car over the fenced embankment.
Those next door detectives are amusing!