Home NEWS Police/Fire Second Armed Robbery Reported In Walnut Creek Friday

Second Armed Robbery Reported In Walnut Creek Friday


In what would be the second armed robbery to occur in the city Friday, a man told police he was dragged from his car and robbed of his gold chain and wallet at the Burger King on N. Main Street at approximately 3:15pm.

An ambulance was summoned to the scene to treat the victim for unspecified injuries sustained during the robbery.

Initial reports were that the suspect was approached while sitting in his car and dragged from the vehicle by two masked men of undetermined race, one armed with a Glock-style pistol. The victim lost his chain and wallet to the thieves.

The men were reportedly associated with a white two-door sedan with front bumper damage.


  1. I never just sit in my car anywhere anymore here in the Bay Area. You’re a sitting duck then for these criminals that are roaming all around us waiting to pounce. I’ve lost all compassion for these people.. It’s time to lock them up again!

    • Wow, you live in fear. You can’t sit in your car ANYWHERE anymore in the Bay Area. You see people “roaming all around us waiting to pounce”. I would say, go somewhere that makes YOU feel safe. No one should live with such fear, real or imagined. “Criminals…waiting to pounce”…that describes a feeling a terror.

    • Yes. Same as DC in the ’70s: Always look around, and don’t make yourself a target by wearing expensive jewelry, carrying an expensive purse, or wearing clothes that stand out.

    • “pro-criminal district attorneys”
      You suggest that up is down and voters are simply stupid.
      That’s a pretty silly argument. You may disagree enthusiastically with the priorities, but no DA is “pro-criminal”, and voters as a whole are voting their interests, your minority objection notwithstanding.

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