Businesses in Lamorinda have been besieged by a stealthy burglar or burglars in recent days, a few fleeting glimpses of the culprit caught on a surveillance camera here and there, but for the most part he appears nearly invisible and striking at will.

Lamorinda police have undoubtedly traded information on the suspect, who may have struck at a business on Orinda Way as soon as last night, Wednesday, and at Rancho Cantina in Lafayette on Tuesday – costing the business thousands in repairs and stolen items.
It is not known if Tuesday’s “Ram Raid” burglary of the Ace Hardware location in Moraga is related to the current spree in any way – though the thief’s methods in that crime, in which a significant number of tools were stolen, did not match that of the person responsible for the other crimes. It appeared a vehicle was driven through the front of that business in order to make entry.
Merchants have said police told them as many as 19 businesses were burglarized in Lafayette over the weekend alone.
Photos of the suspected thief show a white or possibly Hispanic male carrying a large backpack and possibly riding a bicycle.
Well we know one thing about him — he ain’t afraid of no coyotes.
If the black and white photo is the best they could come up with on the suspect then it may be time to get a new security camera system. We want to catch these guys.
Cameras don’t capture bad guys – cops capture bad guys.
Cameras identify suspects, and people turn them in. Why else would they have cameras. Hello.
Thanks for the alerts. All we heard were firetrucks going past the house.
You bet!
Well at least he won’t have to replace the lock. It looks undamaged.
Really surprised we don’t have better photos. I thought Lafayette was well covered.
May be forthcoming…
Just not right. Local business owners are already feeling targeted
No, not Rancho Cantina, we love that place…
‘Fraid so. Maybe drop by for a meal to help restore the coffers…
Local guy? Or sleeping locally?
Gee, I guess the idea of letting all the criminals out of jail it’s not a good one?
But I’m sure some will still defend the idea that nobody should go to jail anymore for criminal activity……I just wonder how much worse it has to get, and how many more innocent people are going to have to suffer for this social experiment ?