A violent argument among family members reportedly escalated when a son attacked and stabbed his father before responding police officers arrived, opening fire on the attacker and killing him.
The incident was reported at approximately 1:34 a.m. at a home in the 1900 block of Natoma Drive in Concord, a man in his 50s assaulting an older family member with a knife until police arrived and confronted the alleged aggressor. Neighbors reported hearing shouting and at least one gunshot as police arrived.
A brief note posted to the Concord PD social media page confirmed events, going further to say the attacker had been killed and the elder victim, believed to be in his 70s, taken to hospital with unspecified injuries.
At least one ambulance was called to the scene as police quickly locked down the neighborhood, officers canvassing the area in search of witnesses and/or home surveillance video.
The stabber will probably end up with a big payout paid by you and me.
No. Baseless stereotyping since you have no direct knowledge of the events.
Only incompetence, malevolence, or improper training would deliver such a payout because police have enormous power when lives are threatened as in this case, and DA’s do not render verdicts, juries do.
Really, what did Walnut Creek payout, $3 million or so, on Miles Hall when he was on videotape charging officers with a steel digging bar.
I assume that the jury saw that video and saw the totality of evidence differently than you. That’s OK by me. I believe in the jury system as the best we can expect.
Always sad when family issues escalate to a violence, no one wins.
Firestone 11R
Agreed. Sad in so many ways when pressures internal and external build until things reach a critical boiling point…
No word from police. They sure shut the neighborhood down fast
Did police shoot the son?
Have a link to your alerts?
We were afraid of that.
I feel for the cop that had to do it.
In all ways, best to wait for an investigation into the facts.
You guys don’t miss much. Called it
Terrible. Sounds like the Everson case???
Some terrible, striking similarities… yes. 2019.
Thanks for the alert.