Home NEWS Police/Fire Sledge-Hammer Theft Crew Turns Up In Walnut Creek Thursday; Bludgeons Labels Store

Sledge-Hammer Theft Crew Turns Up In Walnut Creek Thursday; Bludgeons Labels Store

The aftermath...

A robbery crew of sledge-hammer wielding thieves striking stores up and down the 24/680 targeted the Walnut Creek Labels store, 1367 N. Main, Thursday afternoon – smashing display cases, making off with an undetermined amount of jewelry and other items and injuring one person in the process.

The thieves, carrying their trademark heavy hammers, arrived in a silver Toyota Camry-type vehicle at approximately 4:45pm and entered the store as employees sought cover, targeting glass cases with high-end goods. One woman was treated for injuries to her arm from broken glass – it was not immediately known if she was a customer or employee.

Veteran readers will remember that Labels has been targeted before.


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