After an extended search, a woman was rescued from her car after it plunged off Pinehurst Road west of Canyon early Friday morning.
The motorist reportedly notified first responders that she had crashed and was trapped in her car at approximately 2:15 a.m. Friday. Darkness, the remote location and angle of the car following the solo crash made locating the vehicle and its driver difficult. Airbag deployment made it impossible for the driver to signal police as they searched for her, though she could reportedly hear them on the road above.
Moraga PD and Moraga-Orinda fire crews eventually succeeded in locating the car and driver, reaching her at approximately 3 a.m. and extricating her from the wreckage. She was taken to a local hospital for treatment of facial injuries.
It was not immediately known what she was doing on the circuitous and potentially dangerous road at that hour.
It takes training at this. Used to do it for a couple of years at LASD Malibu SAR. Drunk drivers were always going over the canyon roads going to or from the beaches.
Firestone 11R
It does. We’ll bet the motorist was glad to see those folks roping down to her…
That had to be terrifying.
She probably thought she could avoid a DUI by taking the back roads.
Hmm. We think we’re making you cynical.
At 2:15am do you have a better answer as to what she was doing there? I’ve driven through there a few times myself after hours returning from the Lucky Lion in Montclair.
About 200 of us live in Canyon and that road is our one way in and out. Assuming someone was drunk driving because they are on that road is a stretch.
See? What Aundre’ says… we make the drive through there whenever we can. It’s pleasant. Subject of this morning’s exercise seemed remarkably uninjured, but definitely shaken.
Noted: The idea that someone driving off an embankment on a back road at 2:15am is a stretch. When I was a teenager it was a common occurrence and I’ve driven that same road as a young adult while inebriated more than once so would hardly consider it a stretch. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Maybe she works late and lives in Canyon? Why always assume the worst? Try a little kindness.
We don’t think she’s a “Canyon Critter” and we’re unsure of how she got into the predicament she did – which is why we mentioned it. It’s an unforgiving road in daylight.
I don’t consider it unkind to assume an accident that happened 15 minutes after the bars closed was likely related to the driver being inebriated. Think of me what you wish as we’ll probably never know.
I’m with Pamela!
You know we’ve kind of all become a little bit too open-minded in the past few years. Not saying we should ever be closed-minded, but we become so open-minded I think our brains have fallen out. Example of such thinking is that just yesterday someone was telling me that all the crazy, reckless drivers on the road are in a hurry because they have to get to the hospital.
Really? All of them? ( Actually, probably non of them). I think we’ve gotten to the point where we’re excusing and tolerating everything. I think we need some discernment.
I agree with Candy. Try a little kindness never hurts.
She’s pretty wise in the ways of the world…
It’s south of Moraga on that road which is really scary with people playing race car driver around blind curves and going into your lane as oncoming traffic to straighten out the curves.
People have been coming to Canyon and Pinehurst late at night to drive fast since the 1950’s or before. At least there are hardly any people or cars and night. I don’t think people really worry about not seeing a car around in a blind turn in the night cause of headlights.
One time as a bored teenager we took the claimed 5 million candle power flash light and we looked over the edge on some of the sharp corners in canyon. People have been going over the edge there for many decades. There were lots of old rusted out cars, I’d say at least 20 at the time.
Many of them still down there.
Local fire crews are often called out to check on old wrecks people have noticed for the first time.
With the price of classic autos now it makes you wonder if there are any salvageable parts down there!
I’ve always thought it was such a beautiful area, and the hiking out there is hard to beat. Heard there were many redwoods out in that area that were logged back in the day but I have never found any real photos or anything about which specific areas this occurred in.
Don’t know if there are any “classic” examples down there though you can occasionally see a rusting fender or something if you’re biking. The area is known as a dumping ground for stolen cars so there’s that.
As for the history you mention, all true and there are still pleasant groves and streams to be found. It’s an “off the beaten track” neighborhood we’ve always liked.
Was there another Pulsepoint crash out there? What happened??