Home NEWS Police/Fire Repeat DUI Driver Crashes In Danville Friday; Five Injured

Repeat DUI Driver Crashes In Danville Friday; Five Injured


A 53-year-old San Ramon man on probation for an earlier DUI and with multiple DUI convictions in his past was arrested after a destructive crash which left five people injured and debris strewn across Camino Tassajara near Tassajara Lane Friday night.

Police and fire personnel responded to a report of a collision in the area shortly after 10 p.m., finding a light standard down and five injured people – three of whom had suffered traumatic injury. The patients were transferred to area hospitals, including one young victim who was transported to Children’s Hospital in Oakland.

Police eventually identified a suspect vehicle and arrested the driver, who was booked on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and later released.


  1. A tragic incident on many levels. Hoping those injured recover quickly and completely. As for the suspect with multiple DUI convictions, hard and fast justice is in order.

  2. So this guy has multiple DUI convictions and was on parole for a current one he injured 5 people 3 seriously he was arrested and later released??? Stellar police work, these selfish morons won’t stop until they kill someone or an entire family. Why do the courts keep giving these time bombs chance after chance to KILL???

    • Not speaking for them but don’t think it was the PD’s decision to release. Usually the probationer has had their license pulled and conditions added to make it difficult to re-offend but, clearly, there’s a problem brewing here…

    • It seems like the culprit most likely has lots of money or connections……It’s jail and zero tolerance for everyone else.

    • The decision may have been out of their hands. We’ve asked but haven’t heard back so far. As usual, if there are any LEOs out there who have some insight on booking, jail protocols currently – your insight would be valuable.

  3. The man with the DUI’s needs help because most likely he is an alcoholic. May those injured in the crash have complete and speedy recoveries. I will keep them all in my prayers.

  4. Multiple DUI’s is unacceptable and the law enforcement should be ashamed and punished. This jerk is obviously someone with money who knows he can buy his way out and it really doesnt matter how many casualties he adds up. As long as he has money, he will bail his sorry butt out every time. Sounds like alcoholism but worse, entitlement. If he has so much money, hire a driver! I know this is a lot of speculation but I have friends who have done prison time for 3 DUI’s. What happened to the 3 strikes law?

  5. I truly don’t understand how the judicial system in California lets all the criminals go right away? We see it over and over again : almost every crime or bad event that happens is being done by somebody who’s just released, out on parole, or running around in public with arrest warrants,
    I guess there’s no more consequences for anything. I really worry about how bad is going to get?

  6. You can thank our incompetent District Attorney for this release. Last time I looked we had a new county jail. This guy life is toast either way.

  7. This man surrendered his right to privacy after his first DUI – after a series of them and a proven willingness to defy authority while hurting others we have every right to know who he is.

  8. Looked like a suv and a van when we squeaked by. Hope everyone is ok. DUI drivers are like unguided missiles.

  9. Who is the dui driver? Does anyone know who it is? We deserve to know so we can protect ourselves. He could have killed those people. There is no excuse for his behavior and deserves prison and rehab.

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