Home NEWS Government It’s A Super Day For An Election!

It’s A Super Day For An Election!


Californians and residents of other designated “Super States” go to the polls today in a bellwether vote to determine their pick for president as well as a number of other state and local issues.

Results from today’s elections will determine the number of delegates presidential candidates receive from their respective political party at their national conventions and who will be on the ballot in the general election in November.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. pm. You can also drop your ballot in the mail as long as its postmarked or placed in one of the many Contra Costa Elections boxes spotted around the county.

Voting Locations: Click here

Election returns are expected by 8 p.m., and will be posted to the county’s elections website at www.cocovote.us immediately afterward.  Initial results will be Vote by Mail ballots returned through Monday March 2.

Results from the polls will be issued at 9:30 pm with subsequent updates approximately every half hour until all precincts have reported. The final election night report is expected to be issued by 1 am.


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