Home NEWS Government Orinda City Council Votes 5-0 In Favor Of Moratorium On Non-Hosted Short...

Orinda City Council Votes 5-0 In Favor Of Moratorium On Non-Hosted Short Term Rentals


After several hours of public testimony both pro and con, dozens of speakers and additional hours spent mulling what they were about to do, the Orinda City Council unanimously approved a 45-day moratorium on non-hosted home rentals Tuesday.

Dozens of residents turned out to speak on both sides of the issue, Orinda in the spotlight after a mass shooting that left five young people dead after a raucous house party at an Airbnb property Halloween night.

Council members ultimately directed city staff to come back with an emergency ordinance restricting rentals for their review. A final vote on the matter was calendared for Nov. 19.

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