Home Letter To The Editor Letters: Blower Creep In Lafayette

Letters: Blower Creep In Lafayette


To the Editor;

To the surprise of virtually no one apparently we have noted a return to public use of gas powered leaf blowers in Lafayette despite the city’s much publicized ban.

Months after the ban we were surprised and yes angered to see a return of backpack blowers in use again, apparently by workers employed by mow and blow companies who are either unaware of laws regarding hours of use or who feel safe enough to ignore them.

We expected a normal period of adjustment after the ban but we’re beginning to think this is a deliberate decision by neighbors and companies choosing to violate the ban and the city refusing to enforce it. If that is the case then why take the time to draft and pass an ordinance restricting use of gas powered equipment in the first place? Because going through all that trouble only to let landscape companies backslide and do as they wish makes no sense to us at all.


Terri Reyes/Lafayette

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