Home Main Category Announcements Lafayette Residents Donate Land For Hillside Cross Memorial

Lafayette Residents Donate Land For Hillside Cross Memorial

Howard Weamer Photo

From the board of Lafayette Hillside Memorial:

Lafayette, CA, October 1, 2024 –Today, the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Hillside Memorial (LHM) announced that it will be receiving a donation of the property upon which its many crosses reside. The gift includes a 1.9-acre lot on Thompson Road and a 3⁄4 acre portion of the Eastern lot off Oak Hill Road.

Lara and Steve Dutto, long-time residents of the area, purchased the property in 2023 under the name Oak Hill Place LLC. The Duttos have formally recorded an easement to protect The Memorial while the process of transferring the title is completed.

LHM Chair of the Board Lynn MacMichael said, “We are grateful to accept this generous donation and for the independence it gives the LHM Board as we look to the future of the Memorial.”

The decision was made with the support of the community. The Board conducted a survey and hosted workshops to gather input from Lafayette residents, workers, and visitors.

The overarching finding was that the Memorial continues to have meaning and is valued by 90% of those interviewed. Board Member Kay James notes, “After evaluating the feedback, the board felt confident moving forward by accepting this donation and the notion of preserving—even improving—the memorial long term.”

When the property went on the market in 2023, two of the three offers were contingent on the removal of the memorial. Lara Dutto explained their motivation, “I have volunteered on the site many times and was a board member for some years. While my role has changed, I continue to be inspired by the founding vision, which is to prompt public and individual reflection on the tragic costs of war. This message remains acutely relevant and brings pause and gratitude to me daily.”

Lara added, “Knowing that the change of ownership of the property could have signaled the end of the memorial, our goal has been to ensure that the Board of Directors has autonomy to decide the Memorial’s future.”

Beginning in 2006, the Lafayette Hillside Memorial sought to remember the American soldiers who died serving in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The iconic landmark consists of hundreds of crosses and other wooden symbols on a prominent hillside facing Highway 24 and the Lafayette BART station. Board Member Janet Thomas, who has been involved with the Memorial from the start, recalls, “At that time, the late Johnson and Louise Clark owned the property and gave us permission to place the markers as part of a grassroots protest.”

Over the years, the Memorial has become a sacred place for Blue and Gold Star Families, some of whom pilgrimage to the site annually.

The LHM is an impactful and inclusive living memorial that requires ongoing active stewardship to replace the symbols as they deteriorate over time.

“We rely on community participation,” explains Board Treasurer Mike Munnelly. “Right now, our volunteers have initiated a new wave of energy, including an exciting Eagle Scout Project and a plan for planting daffodils. For anyone looking for a meaningful service opportunity, join us for our annual workday on Veterans Day.

This year, it will be held on Monday, November 11, from 10:00-1:00. All are welcome. And all supplies are provided.”

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