Home NEWS Tech Autonomous Vehicle Program Debuts In The 24/680 – How Was Your Ride?

Autonomous Vehicle Program Debuts In The 24/680 – How Was Your Ride?


Okay, you have our attention. We’ve been interested in the concept of autonomous vehicle transportation for some time and, it appears, is has arrived in the 24/680 to a limited degree.

Having witnessed the calamity on our local roads firsthand for many years, we’ve wondered if a safer mode of travel would someday be possible. Currently in a pilot phase with limited but tempting route options designed to gauge rider interest/acceptance of a shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) system, we’re watching PRESTO shuttles navigate carefully selected routes in high-traffic areas in Walnut Creek, San Ramon, and Martinez.

Under the belief that a system of autonomous vehicles could  improve the daily lives of seniors and those with mobility issues, PRESTO hopes to make the transportation mode of the future available to residents who need it most.

The Rossmoor route features two zero-emission PRESTO shuttles that travel along a one-mile loop, making stops at two key locations. Attendants are on board to accompany riders on every trip.

In the words of its backers, the pilot program aims to increase residents’ comfort with autonomous technology, provide researchers with a senior’s perspective, and gather feedback and data that will help pave the way for the future of transportation throughout Contra Costa County and beyond.

Our question to users and potential users is how did you you find the ride if you stepped aboard one of the shuttles and – if you haven’t – would you?


  1. We’ve ridden the one in Bishop Ranch about Four times and it was quiet and clean. The shuttles are cute and they are monitored with an attendant on board. I could see them catching on in the right areas.

  2. Ask me when I can no longer drive and need to take one from home to hospital. I’m sure we’ll get there someday.

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