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County Announces Innovation Fund Grant Program


(Martinez, CA) – Contra Costa County is seeking ideas for innovative projects that respond to local public service needs, can improve equitable access to public services, can remove structural barriers that cause inequities and poverty, provide the greatest impact for every dollar spent, and have potential for transformative change!  Up to $2 Million in one-time grants will be made available on a competitive basis to nonprofit tax-exempt community-based organizations to fund the planning and implementation of one or more selected projects in the following categories:

  1. Safe & Engaged Communities – Improving health, wellness, and public safety outcomes through community outreach/awareness, education, and engagement.
  2. Agriculture and Food Systems – Improving environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.
  3. Economic Vitality – Providing education, job training, decent jobs, and viable businesses to reduce the number of people at a poverty level.
  4. Clean & Sustainable (Clean and Green) Environment – Safe food and water, proper waste disposal, clean air, pest control; preventing waste.
  5. Reliable & Accessible Infrastructure – Modernization, technology, or equity in digital access, cybersecurity, and resilience.

Phase 1 of the Innovation Fund grant process offers Five Thousand ($5,000) to each of up to ten (10) selected projects to fund the development of a comprehensive Phase 2 Project Grant proposal.

Statements of Qualifications and Concept Papers may be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m. on October 7, 2024 at the following online grant portal:  Contra Costa County, #2409-833 – County Measure X Innovation Fund Phase I: Concept Paper (bidsync.com)

There is no cost to register on BidSync for this opportunity.

For more information about the Innovation Fund, visit our website:  https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/10270/Innovation-Fund

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