Home NEWS Police/Fire Livermore Gun Store Owner Shoots, Kills Alleged Robber Sunday

Livermore Gun Store Owner Shoots, Kills Alleged Robber Sunday


Livermore police have released details of a fatal shooting at a local firearms store – apparently as the store owner defended himself against a thief who stole one of the shop’s weapons while brandishing a hammer.

The shooting was reported at around 2:30 p.m. Sunday at East Bay Firearms, 4049 First Street, after an apparent attempted robbery of the business.

Arriving officers found a 28-year-old Redwood City man down with a gunshot wound and performed life-saving measures. The unidentified subject was subsequently declared deceased at the scene.

Investigators determined the man entered the store wearing a mask, gloves, and with a hooded sweatshirt pulled over his head. Witnesses told police he attempted to take a firearm while armed with a hammer – during which time the store owner secured his own weapon, fired twice and fatally wounding the man.

Police said the unidentified store owner is cooperating with the investigation and is not a suspect in a crime at this time. At this stage in the investigation, police said, it appears that the shooting was an act of self-defense.

Five customers inside the store at the time the robbery occurred were were not injured and are talking with police. Detectives continue to investigate the shooting with the Alameda County Coroner’s Bureau set to release the name of the deceased upon notification of next of kin.


  1. The wrong kind of store to go after when only armed with a hammer, justice unfortunately came quickly for the less than gifted suspect.

    Firestone 11R

  2. Seems like there are easier, safer ways for bad guys to get a gun out there. Most seem to be taken in home burglaries. Walking into a gun store to rob it just doesn’t seem very smart.

    • Every gun store I’ve been inside of locally, the guys behind the counter always wore cocked and loaded handguns. They are ready for any kind of encounter.

      Kudos to the gun store owner. Now more folk will flock to his store and maybe to make firearms purchases.

  3. Hope the owner gets some help because no matter how they show it in th emovies taking someone’s life is not something you get over quickly or easily.

    • Of course, they are. Before anyone has looked at the security video, get in front of the story. It is “case closed”. “Self-defense”. BITD, that security video would just disappear after those statements.

      “At this stage in the investigation, police said, it appears that the shooting was an act of self-defense.”
      Of course, it appears that way, why bother to investigate? lol. I am so glad that no one was injured other than the robber. I will readily agree that this pathetic individual invited his own violent death. That said, I would wait for the video before awarding halos. Videos don’t just disappear like they used to, and they don’t always show what you would like to believe, to imagine. There is imagined, and there is actual. The first comes with preconceptions, and the latter comes matter-of-factly, ready or not.

  4. Frankly, I, a normal citizen am kind of chuckling. Most of us is so tired of crime and criminals that when one gets his early dose of justice it makes us smile. It’s too bad that things have been allowed to get this bad that we feel this way. But Justice is not coming forth from the system.

  5. I hope the store owner is okay. He was placed in a dangerous situation. He had no idea that when he went to work that day he would end up taking a man’s life. Traumatizing.

  6. Was he going after something exotic? I mean if you’re going to rob a gun store you would do it with the expectation the man behind the counter has a weapon himself. Glad no one else was hurt and agree that the owner should get some assistance if he asks for it.

  7. Many gun owners are idiots and leave their guns unsecured in their homes and cars. Robbing a gun store is stupid, dangerous, and unnecessary. But if you’re dumb enough to do it, then you deserve whatever happens.

  8. I’m sure someone is mourning this person but he took the risk. Either this person was so arrogant that he felt he could walk into a gun store and rip them off with a hammer or he wasn’t thinking straight. Either way, if more of this happens crooks may think twice before ripping anyone off. Right now it’s a free-for-all.

  9. My cousin, who owned a pawn shop and was in the process of closing his store, was shot in the face by two gang members who did it just for fun. Shot my cousins work partner in the face as well. Then went on to rob a gas station where they were apprehended. It took 5 years but they got life in prison. Different state with different morals. Wish Brandon had had the opportunity to take care of the problem himself and was still here on the planet to hold his family together in love instead of death.

  10. I do not have sympathy for anyone involved. Store owner SELLS DEATH and is then given sympathy when he actually kills someone? Frankly, America is a really sick place now.

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