A walk in support of Israel was held in Walnut Creek, Calif. Tuesday, a crowd of about 800 taking to the streets in a coursing walk through downtown. The largely peaceful show of support was not without tension, however, as counter protestors – estimated to number around ten people – turned up to challenge marchers. Some scuffles were reported but no arrests were believed to have been made. VIDEOGRAPHER: Craig Cannon
Petacaris alive or Rasouli dead……..name the movie?
Firestone 11R
Ooh! Ooh! (Raising our hand annoyingly) We know!
And nothing has changed in that part of the world since 1906. This is a Clash of Civilizations, try reading Bernard Lewis.
Firestone 11R
Return the hostages. Negotiate for resumption of basic services to Gaza and cessation of hardships on innocents. Beg for the forgiveness of the Israeli people and your God. To start….