Home NEWS Police/Fire Police Capture Murder Suspect Following Pursuit From Oakland to Pleasant HIll Sunday

Police Capture Murder Suspect Following Pursuit From Oakland to Pleasant HIll Sunday


A twisting, back-and-forth pursuit of a teen murder suspect ranged from Oakland to a neighborhood in Pleasant Hill late Sunday, leaving at least one pursuing police vehicle immobilized by spike strips and the suspect’s vehicle finally hemmed in by law enforcement officers.

One suspect, reportedly a teen girl and one half of a duo suspected of a shooting death near 78th & Arthur in East Oakland, appeared to have suffered some sort of medical incident as she was being taken into custody at the end of Allen Way.

Oakland police said witnesses directed them to the fleeing car and its two occupants after shots were fired into a home about 11 p.m. Sunday in the 7800 block of Arthur Street

A 26-year-old man inside the home was hit and later died of his wounds in a local hospital.

Police did not release any other information about the people arrested, pending a review of the case by the district attorney’s office.

Investigators did not give a motive for the murder, the 97th investigated by Oakland police this year.


  1. Dang. Is that a Crown Vic? I thought those had all been retired by now. A genuine shame. Those cars rocked.

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