Home NEWS Police/Fire Residents Interrupt Burglaries In Dublin, Danville Saturday – Suspects Sought

Residents Interrupt Burglaries In Dublin, Danville Saturday – Suspects Sought


A burglary crew in a vehicle with a telltale muffler problem was on the move and looking to score Friday, three men aboard attempting to enter homes in Dublin and Danville until startled residents scared them off.

A black Infiniti with a distinctive, loud muffler was reportedly chased out of Dublin after occupants wielding flashlights attempted to enter a residence on Signal Hill Drive only to be chased away by homeowners. Police reported the car was last seen heading northward on I680.

At approximately 9pm a car answering that description was reported outside a residence on Wakefield Court, a resident startled to find people with flashlights inside the home after breaking a rear window.

Police quickly flooded the area but at this writing (9:57pm) it was not known if the car had been located or what, if anything, had been taken from either residence.


  1. Wakefield Ct. In Blackhawk Country Club. How did the car get inside the gates? If that is true it is pretty laxed security there or an inside job to get in.

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