Home NEWS Police/Fire Drive-By Purse-Snatch In Danville Wednesday

Drive-By Purse-Snatch In Danville Wednesday

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A local woman either fell or was pushed to the ground after a woman dashed from a passing car and grabbed her purse as she was loading her car outside the Danville Costco store on Fostoria Way Wednesday.

Details remain sketchy as the incident was just reported (12:50pm) and the speed with which the theft was conducted apparently made descriptions of the subject involved and car used remain thin.

This is expected to change as police continue their investigation.

The only immediately available details are that a suspect, possibly a Hispanic female, jumped out of the passenger seat of a dark sports car with heavily tinted windows, grabbed the purse and returned to the car, which fled the area. The suspect was wearing a black hoodie and black pants, according to witnesses.


  1. Take out any ethnic/race narratives. Totally injective. And unsubstantiated. Your even wrote the person has a hoody sweatshirt which was probably donned during the crime. That’s BS you even insinuated any race.

      • Yes, descriptions are important! But some people now consider descriptions politically incorrect because they don’t like how it indicates certain people groups.

    • I googled injective, and I’m puzzled. Perhaps invective, elective, defective, ineffective? Definitely “unsubstantiated”, hence the “details remain sketchy” admonition. It’s a real-time sketch.

  2. If your only issue with this crime and all the other crime happening is race description of the perps, you have a serious problem and are part of the problem.

  3. Paul are you insinuating that any attempted description of the perp(s) is racist? What do you think this would accomplish?

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