From the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office:
Martinez, Calif.— A jury in Contra Costa County found a homeless man guilty of murdering a disabled resident in Pacheco.
On June 1, 2022, 44-year-old Taylor Aaron Goode was found guilty of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of 29-year-old Erick Marshall Ousey. The same jury also found Goode guilty of assaulting Michael Detar with a knife a year prior to killing Ousey. Mr. Ousey had been diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability.
Investigators determined that Ousey and Goode were in an altercation near the California Grand Casino in Pacheco on July 5, 2019. Through witness statements and security footage they determined that Goode punched and kicked Mr. Ousey several times while following him around the perimeter of the California Grand Casino.
Mr. Ousey attempted to defend himself when Goode stabbed him with a knife. Ousey ran from Goode and eventually collapsed at the Paddock Bowl, across the street from the casino. He died at the scene despite the efforts of emergency responders.
At the time of Mr. Ousey’s murder, Goode was on parole for stabbing a convenience store clerk in 2015. He is facing 35 years to life for Ousey’s death.
I didn’t know about this murder in 2019. I’m still waiting for a follow-up on the homeless man that murdered someone else last year in Concord. Find him?
I always had compassion for the homeless but I’m now beginning to see that a lot of them are just druggy bums and are abusing the system and taking advantage of good citizens. I’m amazed that most are younger, strong men that could certainly be working labor jobs! There’s a shortage of workers in all industries! But they’d rather freeload.
I’m sorry to say but my compassion is run out.
I remember this when it first happened. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
It’s mostly stop action photography. Clay figures. And a prayer for justice.
It’s the Wild West out there, robberies in WC, stabbings in Pacheco, always be prepared. Very sorry about this man’s victims, he should have been in prison, but not in California. 108RS
The homeless man’s not homeless any longer, or at least for the next 35 (I hope) years.
There’s a whole another world existing right around us and we hardly ever know it’s there.
I know the guy. Worked with him years ago. He’s not your typical homeless cat. He grew up in Lafayette and his mom tried her best to raise him right. He was always in some kind of trouble. I don’t see how he was let out of prison when he has been arrested for a bunch stuff. Beat up and robbed a elderly lady in 2015. Stabbed a 7-11 cashier in 2028 and also stole stuff out of a car in 2018.