Home NEWS Local Scene Hi And G’Morning News24/680 Newbies!

Hi And G’Morning News24/680 Newbies!


Bunch of new folks and even an old gal pal joining us in recent days so to you all we say: “Welcome,” “Bienvenido” and “Bienvenue!”

Sharing some old memories with Old Friends and ready to make some new ones with New Ones as we push out into the year and stir up a little dust.

Latest re-connections kindling an urge to start cooking again so we’ll see what comes out of the News Bunker’s Kitchens in the days to come. Our latest Followers/Liker People proved to be an interesting bunch with an international flair. We like that and hope you like the 24/680. Also, lots of ex-cops, current cops, nurses, caregivers, former students coming back to start families and a number of expatriates living out of state or abroad but who are keeping tabs on local developments.

All good. Other common denominators: We’re still running about 60/40 Women to Men (that’s cool); several of you have taken the same picture of yourself holding up that Tipsy Tower in Pisa; Concord and Walnut Creek leading the way in terms of where our Newbies are coming from; and most of you appear to be here for the News. Couldn’t be our considerable charm, could it? No. Okay.

So welcome and we hope you all stay in touch! You’re an interesting bunch…


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