Home Photos “Northern Lights,” As Seen From Orinda

“Northern Lights,” As Seen From Orinda


We know we have a lot of Skywatchers here at News24/680 but we didn’t know so many of them would be turning their cameras skyward Thursday.

Photos streaming in and, as usual, we’re breaking out some of the best for your inspection.


  1. Glad folks like the photo. I had fun taking it. It was shot from our front porch in Orinda looking north about midnight, Thursday night/Friday morning. I could barely see the aurora with my naked eye — it looked like a fuzzy pink patch. But my Sony A7R5 with a Sony 16-35mm GM lens picked it up well, as you can see. That’s a 3.5 sec. exposure at f5.6 and 6400 ISO, if any photo geeks are interested. You can see a few more on my Instagram feed (@heymanfoto) or on my website (https://heymanfoto.smugmug.com/ ) at the end of the Photojournalism gallery.

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