Home NEWS Police/Fire Sledge-Hammer Theft Crew Turns Up In Walnut Creek Thursday; Bludgeons Labels Store

Sledge-Hammer Theft Crew Turns Up In Walnut Creek Thursday; Bludgeons Labels Store

The aftermath...

A robbery crew of sledge-hammer wielding thieves striking stores up and down the 24/680 targeted the Walnut Creek Labels store, 1367 N. Main, Thursday afternoon – smashing display cases, making off with an undetermined amount of jewelry and other items and injuring one person in the process.

The thieves, carrying their trademark heavy hammers, arrived in a silver Toyota Camry-type vehicle at approximately 4:45pm and entered the store as employees sought cover, targeting glass cases with high-end goods. One woman was treated for injuries to her arm from broken glass – it was not immediately known if she was a customer or employee.

Veteran readers will remember that Labels has been targeted before.


  1. Well, as the newzcru, bluzcru knows, there is song to go with this story, but they just won’t sink there…
    Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel

    I want to be your sledgehammer
    Why don’t you call my name
    You’d better call the sledgehammer
    Put your mind at rest
    I’m going to be-the sledgehammer
    This can be my testimony
    I’m your sledgehammer
    Let there be no doubt about it
    Sledge sledge sledgehammer

    It IS a heavy instrument!

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