Home Photos The Pickpockets In Walnut Creek Are Getting Stealthier…

The Pickpockets In Walnut Creek Are Getting Stealthier…

The Shadow Knows
Ever get the feeling there’s someone just behind you? Possibly with their hand in your pocket?


  1. Unless the man in the above photo was convicted of theft (by pickpocketing), by using his likeness (even as obscure as it seems) News 24 680 implies he is a thief. And the implication is defamatory. Shame on you, News 24 680, for promoting an accusation not based on fact or truth!

    • Ah, the nerve of a shadow—always ready to steal the spotlight and, apparently, a wallet too! No one in the photo is under suspicion of pickpocketing, unless shadows have suddenly developed criminal intent. It’s one of those delightful quirks where lighting and angles conspire to create a visual gag, nothing more sinister than that.

      In your scenario the person in the photo would be the victim of A VISUAL ELEMENT appearing to pick his pocket.

      I would encourage thinking it through and dialing back the misplaced indignation. It’s just a shadow.

    • Easily one of the most clueless and off point comments I’ve ever seen on the Internet. And that’s saying a lot.

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