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Friday Night Lights


Our gridiron days have long passed but apparently there were some high school games in the 24/680 tonight – and some youthful revelry afterward.

Boolah Boolah. Hope your team won… these kids gathered in WalnutCreekĀ for some post-game celebration.


  1. Why support a sport that damages the brains of its players? Why sacrifice the health of these young men for a simple game? If we really gave a damn about the health of the youth this game would have been banned.


    “Every additional year playing football was associated with 15% increased odds of a CTE diagnosis and, for those with CTE, 14% increased odds of severe CTE.

    Every 1,000 additional estimated blows to the head conferred 21% increased odds of a CTE diagnosis, and 13% increased odds of developing severe CTE. Analyses that took into account the linear and rotational accelerations experienced during head blows were better at predicting CTE than models that only included the number of blows.”

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