Home Letter To The Editor LETTERS: Rise Of The E-Bikes; DNC “Cool Kids,” And The Encampments

LETTERS: Rise Of The E-Bikes; DNC “Cool Kids,” And The Encampments


Rise Of The E-Bikes

Dear Editor;

I have learned to trust your instincts and observations of daily life and I confess my interest was peaked when you predicted an increase in the use of electric bicycles and associated problems with their use.

While I see the benefit behind their design I’ve had someone run one into my car and two others sideswipe me while on the street in recent weeks. An elderly neighbor was nearly knocked down by a 30-something bike rider zig zagging down the sidewalk on his way to work.

I’ve read that after several high profile crashes some cities are moving to regulate the use of e-bikes and I think that’s a good idea as they are relatively fast and many of their owners are not exactly cautious. My town has already acted to ban e-bikes on sidewalks downtown – a move I support.


Bethanne Waters-Reed/Danville

Hanging With The Cool Kids


After suffering through the Republican National Convention and a night of its democratic counterpart in Chicago I’ve noted the stark difference between the two platforms and have made my choice for November 5.

Where the GOP comes off as stiff and autocratic their progressive counterparts live up to their joyful warrior description and their candidate wears Classic Chucks with business suits and pulls it off. While I know both gatherings were highly scripted I came away feeling like I was back at school with the Republicans the mean kids looking to get their way while the Democrats were the cool kids with the best music, inclusive and ready and willing to give the new kid a campus tour.

Hoping for better times ahead.

Cory Baggott/Berkeley

The Encampments

Dear Editor;

Of the many issues we face today none is more visible than homelessness. Some people choose not to see them but if you care to look unhoused people are in our parks and under our overpasses. Many of my neighbors would like to see them cleared out and I have heard that is in fact being done.

People are homeless for any number of reasons including drug or alcohol addiction but the essential cause is because they cannot earn enough to support and house themselves. You would think the richest nation on Earth would find a way to provide shelter for its people. Throwing millions of dollars at the problem and forcing people with nothing to move from place to place is making very little sense.

There just has to be a better way.


James Ralley/Concord


  1. HOPE is making a comeback. Who knew that the ever-popular hate, division, bigotry, and false, stolen narratives channel would face a ratings crisis? Americans will change the channel when it becomes boring. It’s in our nature.

  2. “Classic Chucks.” lol. Who knew they would be a thing 55 years after I wore them, with pride, as a starter on a perpetually losing basketball team. Back then they were just gym shoes. This was decades before anyone felt the need to steal shoes as an item of prestige, thankfully. Nevertheless, no one appreciates more than I that a woman, a professional lawyer, would have the confidence, and the audacity, to wear “Chucks” as a comfortable complement to her business attire. God bless this authentic Oakland native. May she reign for 8 consequential years.

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