Home What'd I See? A Reader Asks: “What The Heck Was Thaaat” On Highway 24 This...

A Reader Asks: “What The Heck Was Thaaat” On Highway 24 This Morning?


Bless our readership, they keep us in the game.

This morning, several readers were out and about and one asked:

Subject: Police Activity on 24 just before the caldecott tunnel

Message Body:
Any word on what happened at the tunnel this morning. I drove by at 9:00 a.m and there was a large Orinda PD presence with a champagne colored mercedez benz at the center of the ruckus.

Why, yes! As it turns out police in Walnut Creek and Lamorinda were looking for a gold Mercedes Benz with paper rear plates because it’s driver was wanted in connection with a recent armed robbery.

One sharp-eyed officer, we believe he was with Lafayette PD, spotted said vehicle traveling west on Highway 24 about the time the reader mentioned and he alerted his colleagues in Orinda and beyond, police stacking up to follow the car until they could muster enough troops to pull it over – which they did just before the Caldecott.

The driver was arrested, apparently without incident, but the roadside collection of police vehicles attracted attention and we thank everyone who noticed and thought to ping us!


  1. Bravo. That is the correct side of the tunnel.

    I struggle to understand all the layers to this increase in occurances and the overall brazeness. Of course I have my theories, but the, “Prop 47 is bad. The D.A.s are bad”, explanation doesn’t quite flesh it out for me.

  2. OK, apropos the tantalizing artwork of Police Files magazine…Is it true that a doll can be a moll, but a moll isn’t necessarily a doll? Do you see where I am going with this?
    We can make ‘Merica “great again” at the cost of equality under the law. The 19th Amendment, the empowerment of reproductive choice, and religious freedom are at issue. What says the nation?

    And, for better and worse, (casting no aspersions on the wonderful editorial crew), crazy David is a part of the readership.

    • We must straight-arm the moll vs doll discussion to avoid critique by those who think our “voice” is already “too male.” (Can’t help it, that’s how we talk.) And as for the advancement of the fairer sex we applaud it, can think of a certain current candidate for high political office who appears to be doing well and we’re hoping The Nation makes its choice for our future leadership known in November.

      As for Crazy David, he’s welcome here…

  3. Proposition 36 will be on the November ballot and I believe rolls back part of Proposition 47. But do your research.

  4. There was no response to my prior post, so here goes. What does this throw-back picture, this way-back stereotype of a certain woman have to do with the story?

    • That question was not posed in your previous post but since it has been now we’ll say simply that it’s a change-up to our usual “police story” archive… “ripped from the Police Files,” you know. Or maybe not…

      • More of a “lift” versus a “rip” from the Police Files archives. Regardless, yours truly found the change from the traditional photos of squad cars and light bars a refreshing change of pace. The body of the article contained a well written account of the subject episode (as usual), providing the salient information with a
        bit of grammatical flair. Nice catch LEOs.

        • See? See? Jeff got us! (Thanks, Jeff!). Yes. We were looking for a break from the standard cop car and cuffs shot… interestingly, no one snagged a photo of this arrest today, though a ton of folks apparently saw it.

  5. The Caldecott tunnel is an ideal place for a road block during police actions. Thieves think if they make it thru, they’re home free. Usually are.

    • I agree! But then, you and I probably wouldn’t make a U-turn at the roadblock and recklessly drive a stolen car in the opposite direction causing collision$, and chaos in a desperate attempt to escape. In short, I have no answer. I expect the police to figure it out, and they have my support.

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