Home NEWS Local Scene Flags, Signage Come Down On Lafayette’s El Curtola Bridge Tuesday

Flags, Signage Come Down On Lafayette’s El Curtola Bridge Tuesday


CalTrans workers and CHP officers turned out to enforce the ban on display of banners, flags, sheets, and signs from the chain link fencing lining El Curtola Bridge in Lafayette Tuesday.

Neighbors and motorists have complained for, well, years now that the frequent demonstrations on the bridge – a favorite of local groups of all stripes – are a distraction and a potential hazard for motorists traveling on Highway 24 below.

A local couple who have hung signs from the fencing several times in the recent past were told to refrain, though they will be able to hold flags or signage while standing on the walkway.


  1. And the pro Israel flags are back up starting around 4pm and not getting removed. Seems a little like uneven political removals happening for the second time in just a few days.

    Remove everything or remove none. Stop this partisan nonsense

    • Have you read the First Amendment? They have every right to express their views on the overpass, a sidewalk, because they are on a recognized public forum. If you want you can express yourself too. Free speech for all!!!

  2. I have participated in this and personally witnessed the biased toward Trump flags. If you can hang a Ukraine flag,or Israel flag you should be able to hang an American flag. Freedom of speech for all.

    • Bias for or against, Sarah? Believe the second to last group to have their flags removed was a pro TFG faction.

  3. It’s a highway overpass, no one walks over it and few houses are nearby. Those that are already live near a noisy highway. I’ve been there for several protests- no chanting – no traffic blocking- just the sound of loud highway and flags waving. Much better than a busy street corner inside town.

  4. I don’t even know how long ago this was, well before covid, probably even before Trump was elected. Might have been a 9-11 gathering. I don’t even know or care if it was Wingnuts or Libtards.
    But I was driving home after another long day at work, and all of the sudden I see people waving flags on that bridge. At the same time the car in front of me, and the car in front of them must’ve noticed them also and hit their brakes. I hit my brakes, still not sure how i didn’t hit them. Then I hear screaching behind me. Somehow all of us avoided a four or five car pileup. I was not happy to say the least!
    How stupid do you have to be to purposefully try to distract people driving on a freeway to show your patriotism by waving the American flag! Idiots, all of them!
    So with my heart still pumping, I call the Lafayette police and say “there are people over the freeway waving flags!”. The response “you’re calling to complain about people waving flags?” I was too pissed and excited (and driving) to make any sense in response. That was the end of that call. Never called again.
    I don’t try to read what’s been up there recently. I don’t care. Eyes on the road. They’re idiots doing nothing but trying to impress each other.
    F… them all!!!

  5. You can see the overpass from 9 tenths of a mile away…. If you’re looking and not texting! The CHP statewide recognizes the overpasses are protected public forums under the 1st Amendment. BTW, remove the laptop, radio and cell phone from inside your car. Very distracting.

    • Thank you Lisa! I have waved a Trump flag from an overpass near our home in Lancaster CA every day this week! Great reactions!

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