Home NEWS Police/Fire Lafayette Crash Leads To Search For Assault Suspect

Lafayette Crash Leads To Search For Assault Suspect


Lamorinda police flooded the area of Pleasant Hill Road and Old Tunnel Road after a crash involving a car wanted in connection with an earlier assault against a police officer in Concord.

The Crash occurred at 4:49p.m. with a man described as a black male in his 20 sprinting from the disabled car and fleeing on foot. Police have established a perimeter in that area and have aerial assets deployed.

Locals peered out from behind drawn curtains as police fanned out and into yards near the crash scene, eventually locating the suspect hiding in some bushes in the backyard of a home in the 1000 block of Pleasant Hill Road and taking her into custody.

Police were not aware they were chasing a female until the time of arrest.

She was treated for facial injuries suffered in the crash and arrested for unspecified charges.


  1. Felt like one of those old Highway Patrol episodes when the helicopter started making announcements— come out with your hands up!

  2. just another day in the feyette, news 24 680 we need more stories, I feel like some things are going underreported recently.

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