Hard as it may be to imagine in 2024 a man in a “white power” t-shirt launched a profane, anti-semitic tirade during public comments at Tuesday’s meeting of the Walnut Creek City Council, ending his speech with a stiff-arm Nazi salute.
The man, wearing sunglasses, a trucker’s cap and swastika-emblazoned white power t-shirt uttered a variety of anti-semitic slurs during his time at the podium, threatened lawsuits and “another Holocaust” before giving the fascist salute favored by the Nazis and ending his time by saying “white power.”
Identifying himself as “Scottie,” the speaker singled out council member Kevin Wilk directly – who afterwards apologized to those in attendance.
“I’d like to apologize on behalf of the city council and anybody who had to hear that horrible, horrible speech. This is America and we do have laws that protect people from saying anything as you just saw…” Wilk said as council members and a few scattered audience members sat in apparent, shocked silence.
Tuesday’s appearance appeared to be the culmination of a move by the council to cancel its virtual public comment forum last year due to an apparent rise in hate speech and messaging.
I’m quite sure little “Scottie” left the meeting and went home to his room in his mommy’s basement to have a snack of PB&J on white bread with crusts cut off.
Winston Churchill, Lieutenant Paul Walheim, Major General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter (commonly referred to simply as General Burkhalter) is a recurring fictional character who is Colonel Klink ‘s commanding officer is looking Scottie
If that’s the best the new reich can come up with this next war should take about 10 minutes to mop up.
Our constitution does protect Scottie’s right to free speech and beliefs, as usual Wilk is wrong.
Of course being Jewish and a former LEO, I’m Scottie’s huckleberry….anytime.
Firestone 11R
“I’d like to apologize on behalf of the city council and anybody who had to hear that horrible, horrible speech. This is America and we do have laws that protect people from saying anything as you just saw…” … so did the council member’s call police?
Unknown if the PD were notified/called, George. Not sure what they would have/could have done. Perhaps we’ll hear something from them later.
I don’t know Wilk, but I think he just stated it unclearly. I think he meant. “That’s protected speech. Sorry! I couldn’t intervene.” This character spoke presumably until his time was up.
This is what happens when some of our political leaders use racist, anti-semitic, and xenophobic rhetoric that comes straight out of the Nazi playbook.
Let us not forget what happened in Charlottesville in 2017.
“On the night of Aug. 11, 2017, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and other white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia campus bearing torches and terrorizing students with chants of “Blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us.”
In recent years, people like “Scottie” have felt more comfortable crawling out from under their rocks to proclaim this type of hateful speech. To me, it’s not really a mystery why.
Funny, but Trump’s grandkids are Jewish.
Firestone 11R
Just wondering – did he mention Trump?
What makes you think he belongs to the right or the left? He’s more likely there for the chaos. He was filming himself the whole time. Someone should follow the video because he’s bragging about it somewhere.
Ummm, just spitballing here but the swastika was a pretty good indicator for me.
What’s funny is that you think that means he can’t be anti-Semitic.
Yeah, he can’t be. But I’ve never voted for him.
Firestone 11R
Some black people and women support Trump, so he can’t be racist or misogynistic? That makes no sense. This man’s beliefs and intentions have been made plain to see for almost a decade.
Or many people’s misinterpretations.
It’s the over response to the rioters of BLM, not “The Orange One”.
You are exactly right about that.
Don’t dismiss the chaos theory. Plenty of people got into BLM to be disrupters, to burn and pillage and ruin their cause. Same thing with the J6 riot. There are people who want to tear the place down who don’t believe in left or right just chaos.
@Kat and Jeff: Kat responds that Jeff is “exactly right”. It’s BLM blowback or everything is unclear and chaotic.
That is misdirection. Trump may not be the underlying fascism, but he is clearly the lens directing its focus and empowering it with his megaphone. He is the band leader.
You are incorrect.
You know, you can have Jewish grandchildren, and you can have women by your side, but if you love ONLY yourself, of what importance are they? On the one hand, you seem to be pretending the anti-Semitism, the racism, and the misogyny aren’t real while on the other you seem to be dismissing the importance of his position of leadership in this autocratic movement. Your opinion lacks all credibility when it denies the simplest of facts.
Trump is extremely pro Israel. He is not antisemitic. He considers Israel America’s great ally. You can look up tons of speeches where he extolls israel.
He isn’t pro-Israel. He is pro-strongman. You can’t cite the nonsense he spews as genuine policy and then say but don’t take him literally in the next breath. He is a narcissistic psychopath. When that becomes clear to you, just thump the mat and say I give.
The guys used Nazi speech and Trump quotes Hitler. Not sure how there’s no direct connection there.
Go back to Modesto Scotty.
So when is “Scottie” going to meet me on Main St.?????
Don’t be discouraged. So what if you swing and you miss! And you swing and you miss! One day you’re Rod Laver, and the next you’re playing pickup pickleball with ex-con, ex-playmate Martha Stewart. It’s OK. No one is counting on you.
The obvious solution to this is to require all public comment first be moderated through Google AI.