Home NEWS Police/Fire Ram Raiders Return To Walnut Creek – This Time It’s Louis Vuitton

Ram Raiders Return To Walnut Creek – This Time It’s Louis Vuitton

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Walnut Creek Police are reporting an attempted ram-raid of the Broadway Plaza Louis Vuitton store early Tuesday, recovering a Land Rover used to ram the store’s front window and giving chase to numerous subjects who fled from the scene.

The incident was reported at approximately 4:20 a.m. with police dispatch receiving multiple calls of an “incident” at the store, 1211 Broadway Plaza (if you were one of the callers please let us know what you saw) with an officer on the scene within a minute of the first call.

That officer reportedly saw 15 people associated with four vehicles attempting to burglarize the store, those people fleeing in “several directions” upon seeing police.

Other responding officers saw an involved suspect vehicle fleeing westbound on Highway 24 at a high rate of speed. Officers pursued the vehicle and ultimately terminated the pursuit near Orinda due to public safety concerns, according to police.

Police said they recovered a black 2017 Land Rover abandoned in front of the store and later determined to be stolen out of Sacramento. Police said the thieves used the vehicle as their ram to gain access to the business.

The value of the loss and damage to the store is unknown at this time. The Police Department’s Investigations Bureau is in the process of gathering surveillance footage and is actively following up on investigative leads, police said.


      • See! I’m not the only one with the Calicut tunnel remarks! Everyone got on my case!
        But It’s a true observation, and fact.

  1. Walnut Creek use to be exempt from such crimes! Now it seems like those “Ram Raiders” are everywhere! Brazen fools.

  2. Even thugs need high-end leather goods.  I hope the WC city council is enjoying the crowd they are attracting.

  3. A majority of big name $ shops in SF have left the city due to theft. The thugs are now coming out to WC. Get used to it WC!  This is what happens when you make the thugs the victims and laws are no longer have consequences.

  4. Yeah! Build the Wall and make Oakland pay for it. That’s the ticket.
    Or, you could go with the latest thinking and embrace the chaos. And sell merch.

    Walter Sobchak: “No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

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