Home Video “Saturday’s Alright For Fightin'” – Brawls, Arrests In Downtown Walnut Creek

“Saturday’s Alright For Fightin'” – Brawls, Arrests In Downtown Walnut Creek


The city’s downtown club scene turned a bit ugly Saturday after a sizable brawl broke out at 1515 Main Street, spilling over into several smaller fights and skirmishes that kept police on the run and busy into early morning.

Other disturbances were reported at Main at Bonanza by a Wells Fargo with a large number of police turning out to prevent further scuffles. Main Street was blocked by numerous police, fire, and medical units for a while. It’s unknown how many were detained and arrested. VIDEOGRAPHER: Craig Cannon


  1. Ye haw, yippie ki yay. 1515 has been a gathering spot for undesirables for several years now, not surprised that the brawl started there. WC is just lucky they didn’t break out the shooting irons.

    Firestone 11R

  2. Enough with these drunken entitled brats! Our Law Enforcement teams are stretched because of this type of behavior downtown leaving areas of law abiding citizens in the rest of our city uncovered.
    Grow up people and stay home!

  3. Really need to put a curfew on businesses that cannot control their clientele – 1515, RJ, Modern China, etc

    • I know WC had done something like this in the late-2000s because of the fights happening and eventual shooting death outside Crogans back in the day. Honestly, you could count on a single hand the number of “restaurants” that create the chaos downtown. It’s an easier place to stop, usually for the HWY-4 crowds, than going all the way to SF.

  4. I was in Brentwood for the evening and heard plenty of tires squealing, engines roaring and police sirens minutes later with Roscoe and Cletus in hot pursuit.

    • Why? WC’s history includes a rich legacy of raising storied miscreant legends and charismatic local delinquents.

      What else do you expect from a city of indulged latchkey kids?

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