Home Photos On The Job In Walnut Creek Monday

On The Job In Walnut Creek Monday


After a busy, buzzy day in the 24/680 Walnut Creek police were alerted to a suspected stolen car in the 1500 block of Parkside Drive and moved in to make contact with the operator, who abandoned re-fueling operations and allegedly fled in the direction of a local hotel.

Police proved to be too speedy and caught up with the unidentified suspect, taking him into custody without further incident.

The car was allegedly stolen in another city and was later towed away by police.


  1. My first thought again was how are they stealing all these cars nowadays, which supposedly have built-in anti-theft devices?
    Then I see that it’s a Hyundai, and those can supposedly be stolen by simply inserting a USB cable into the steering column.
    If I owned one I was certainly buy one of those steering wheel Club locks.

  2. WC is not the safe and quiet community it was known for. Freeway shootings, residential burglaries, assaults, stolen vehicles, drugs, out of control traffic, rude drivers, no parking . . . and no house available for less than $1million. Didn’t like it so we sold the house and left for the rivers, lakes and mountains in the Sierra Nevada foothills. We are much happier being away from that mess! Ahhhhhhhhhh. Peace and quiet yet plenty of healthy recreation!

    • That would be “Forrest”, as in Nathan Bedford Forrest, first grand wizard of the KKK, or Forrest Gump? a fictional descendent known to run and run and just keep running? Perhaps you are unaware, Run Forest Run. Perhaps not.

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