Home NEWS Police/Fire Ad Hoc Police Unit Moves On Suspected Car Burglar In San Ramon...

Ad Hoc Police Unit Moves On Suspected Car Burglar In San Ramon Friday


A suspected car burglar with a car full of allegedly stolen loot was arrested in the parking lot of a San Ramon Target store late Friday as multiple police units – cobbled together after a rash of car burglaries in Walnut Creek – descended on the suspect as he left the store.

Initial belief is that the as-yet-unidentified suspect drove to the store at 2610 Bishop Ranch in hope of shopping on one or more credit cards found in a stash of more than a dozen backpacks taken in car burglaries over the course of the morning.

Police in San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Danville, the Sheriff Department’s aviation unit and other law enforcement units moved to track and eventually arrest the man, described as a white male in a cap, mask and t-shirt.

Undercover officers had tailed the suspect’s white Jeep to the parking lot, with some wags noting that the suspect had cavalierly left a pile of allegedly pilfered backpacks clearly visible inside.

A police arrest team moved on the suspect and took him into custody at 7:43 p.m. A dog believed to belong to the suspect was cared for by admiring officers before being taken into custody by an Animal Services unit.


  1. Your headline says “more to come on this”. How about a name and residence city and where he will be charged so we can see what happens to him by the the DA and courts.

    • Suspect collapsed and is being rushed to hospital. We’ll have it when we get it – and remember, the cuffs just went on at 7:45 pm. We’re not the police and are not privy to the information they have access to and tend to restrict.

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