Home NEWS Police/Fire Walnut Creek Home Which Caught Fire And Burned Tuesday Rekindles, Burning Again...

Walnut Creek Home Which Caught Fire And Burned Tuesday Rekindles, Burning Again Wednesday

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Firefighters returned to a now-familiar address on Amesbury Court in Walnut Creek on Wednesday after a blaze which gutted the home’s garage rekindled and spread to the upper floors and roof.

Crews are currently (6:25am) working to extinguish flames at the residence in the 1900 block of Amesbury after neighbors called to report the structure was on fire again.


  1. Hmm… I guess they didn’t do the correct job the first time. Had to go back. If this happened to me on my job, where I had to go back and finish something I did do right, I’d be docked.

  2. Is this a common occurrence? Not to compare but the huge fire in the Oakland Hills years ago also started from a fire that was thought to be extinguished.

    • It does happen from time to time, usually after deep-seated embers thought to have been extinguished re-kindle.

      Any firefighters/investigators care to enlighten us on the topic?


  3. The fire fighters fought the fire and won. They’re not called ember fighters so they left. Those embers are deviant little shit who need to get their ass kicked. Since ember fighters aren’t a thing they do what they want, which in this case was bringing fire back from the dead.

    • Not exactly the scientific explanation we were hoping for but… yeah.

      Deviant embers. Hopefully just glowingly devious.


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