Walnut Creek police are hoping to have a talk with this man, who they say broke into a car parked in a downtown parking garage on February 28 – making off with a MacBook Air laptop.
If you can ID the suspect, please contact mgonzales@walnutcreekpd.com
Definitely keeping a low profile.
Was specific downtown parking structure location disclosed? Working on the premise that stolen item was in plain view, versus stowed away in trunk.
Not provided, Jeffrey… and unknown where the targeted device was situated, though we’ve had a number of readers comment on the man’s backpack, which apparently was made to accommodate electronics.
Thanks for the prompt response. Good people along the 24/680 corridor, please take heed and keep valuables out of plain sight when parking your vehicles. Do not make it easy for the bad guys.
Amen to what Jeffrey says…
It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that this was a Super Dave fan. A “vintage” and “premium” Super Dave fan. God bless him. Probably a struggling stunt man (sorry for the sexist stereotyping) since we don’t actually have confirmation on Super Dave’s sexual identity.