Home NEWS Police/Fire Major Injury Accident Closing Lanes At 24/680 Interchange; Victims Hit While Changing...

Major Injury Accident Closing Lanes At 24/680 Interchange; Victims Hit While Changing A Tire

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Several people changing a flat tire alongside southbound Interstate 680 to westbound Highway 24 were apparently struck and critically injured by a passing vehicle Saturday.

The crash was reported at approximately 5:36 p.m. with callers reporting they the victims were alongside the highway but out of the flow of traffic when they were struck.

No official version of events has been offered and this site has been waiting for updates from the California Highway Patrol and Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. A reader did send in a taped broadcast of communications made from the scene that night – pertinent information/mentions are made at around the 17:20 min. mark.


Several ambulances have been called to the scene. The number and nature of injuries appears to be shifting, with early reports indicating as many as three critical injured victims while more recent information putting that number as high as five.

Emergency responders are accessing the crash scene from Ygnacio Valley Road and all but the fast lane of southbound 680 was closed to through traffic as the California Highway Patrol posted a SigAlert for the scene.


  1. Just renewed and am grateful for your news! There is so much to filter out and you help get us what we need.

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