An apparent “electronics grab” in Alamo prompted a coordinated response from San Ramon Valley and Lamorinda police Saturday and ended with a carload of people detained at gunpoint along Highway 24 at Fish Ranch Road.
Witnesses contacting this site said three young men entered the Alamo Starbucks, 3225 Danville Blvd., at around 2:30 p.m. Saturday and one approached a woman working on her laptop computer, snatching the device from her table and running outside with the others to a waiting Dodge Neon.
Local officers immediately began looking for the car, alerting neighboring agencies per their protocol.
An Orinda police officer spotted the car as it travelled west on Highway 24 and fell in behind it, waiting for supporting officers to arrive before initiating a traffic stop on the highway near Fish Ranch Road.
This was apparently witnessed by several readers, who reported seeing a string of about 7 police cars behind the Neon and officers taking four people out of the vehicle at gunpoint.
Four people were detained for further investigation and it is believed that electronics, possibly including the stolen laptop, were recovered from the car.
Two of the suspects are juveniles and were taken to Juvenile Hall. Two adults were taken to Martinez Detention Facility. 19-year-old Nequwan Taylor of Oakland and 18-year-old Isaiah Taylor (residence unknown) were booked on robbery, burglary, and conspiracy charges. Each one is being held in lieu of $220,000 bail.
Sweet! Love it when the good guys win one!!!
The main reason I gave up my iPhone, laptop and iPad would be “the joy of unavailability.” I’m happier without them. The second reason is this very reason – I don’t care to be targeted for theft. It’s the world we live in.
I’m glad they caught him, and thankfully he wasn’t armed.
I take it they weren’t from around here?
Getting so you can’t show off your fabulous toys and wealth these days.
As long as no one was hurt.
Hard to believe someone would risk going to prison over something so stupid.
I drove past it today. I wondered why Lafayette and Orinda
along with others were all there!!
@ Dariya Chase – “risk going to prison”? … here in California they will be back on the streets in no time
@George is right! Because of current California laws and attitudes, this crook is probably on the streets already,with no jail time served since the price of that laptop was probably under $950 , the legal threshold for jail. Yes I always praise and thank our brave law enforcement for their work, but it must be frustrating for those that they catch to be turned loose right away under some sort of social justice notion.
@ Danielle: I agree with the first part of your comment: We too have started limiting the ‘addiction’
to electronic devices. We now control them, not the other way around. It is nice, and life is better. But regarding amending our lives in fear of criminals, I would rather see society amend the criminal’s lives, by jail and rehab. Not us ‘good’ people. If it keeps going the way it is, us good, tax paying citizens will have to give up our morning jogs, evening strolls, restaurant dining, etc in fear of the criminal elements. Of course common sense of safety should apply, but why should we curtail our lives, in deference to the the criminal element any further. it is they that should be curtailed!
Rob U (Greg T) I don’t fear crime – I have a cautious mindset. There’s a difference. A cautious mindset will keep you from being victimized, and fear will paralyze you. If I “feared crime” I wouldn’t take BART and spend as much time as I do at the Oakland Coliseum. I’m always aware of my surroundings.
I didn’t get rid of my “technology” to curtail my life. I never wanted them. My husband bought them for me! I kept my phone off, and rarely used my laptop and iPad. I prefer physical activities.
I still go out at night all the time (sometimes by myself). I’ve lived in Los Angeles and San Diego, and once you’ve survived “life in the big city” you can feel comfortable anywhere.
Just for the record – I am addicted to this site!
@Danielle – Great to have you with us!
Wonder if these are the same guys who did the same thing at the Starbucks in Pleasant Hill last week?