Richmond police traffic officers have tracked down and arrested a 32-year-old Richmond man suspected of running a red light and ramming a car driven by 77-year-old Anthony Tonti of Walnut Creek during a road rage incident with another car – and then leaving the scene of the crash.
Tonti was found unresponsive in the wreckage of his Ford Fusion at the intersection of Solano Avenue and Ventura Street in Richmond on Jan. 29. Emergency crews initiated life-saving measures but Tonti ultimately died of his injuries.
Traffic investigators found an unoccupied Ford truck at the scene of the crash and an investigations team led by Sgt. A. Pomeroy was formed, with Traffic Officer J. Platzner assigned as lead investigator.
After what was described by police as a relentless and exhaustive investigation, Officer

Platzner and the Traffic Unit learned that the suspect – 32 yr. old Richmond resident Obed
Obesso had been involved in a road rage incident the day of the accident, and had chased another car from the freeway and onto city streets. When Obesso reached the intersection of Solano Ave. and Ventura St., he failed to slow or stop for the stop sign and collided into Anthony Tonti’s car.
Richmond police tracked down and arrested Obesso on February 1, with the Richmond man allegedly confessing to the crime. Officer Platzner filed the criminal complaint bringing vehicular manslaughter and felony hit and run charges against Obesso two days later.
In a release issued by Richmond police, the department expressed pride in the “hard work and tenacity of the RPD’s Traffic Unit that led to the arrest of, and confession from the suspect.”
What’s more important, it was said, officers expressed hope that the arrest brings some closure to Anthony Tonti’s family.
So brutal and unfair.
And not a mark on the perp right???
Disgusting. Blessings to Mister Tonti’s family.
It will never bring closure~ only positive thing is he can’t do this to another family~ever again!
Signed our grieving Family!!!
What a piece of s**t