Home NEWS Local Scene Gravy Seal (Iron Horse Division) On Traffic Duty In Alamo Saturday?

Gravy Seal (Iron Horse Division) On Traffic Duty In Alamo Saturday?


News24/680 photographers have been legging out sightings of all sorts Saturday morning and came across this tacti-cool crossing guard in Alamo after locals called questioning his presence and attire.

Balaclava. Molle chest pack. Fingerless gloves. Pepper spray. We’ve seen kids in similar attire unwisely wielding replica firearms while playing that Assassins game outdoors but a grown man in GSG9 gear on Stone Valley Road attracted attention and piqued the interest of a photographer who rolled up to check things out.

Apparently, there was a walkathon of some sort scheduled in the area (not listed on our event’s calendar however – tsk tsk) and some folks were deployed to move things along. Most just wore a standard issue reflective vest and not a Zodiac Killer party costume while on duty, but perhaps this chap was expecting trouble.

You be the judge. Perhaps we’ve been doing this too long and this is what passes for normal these days.



  1. There are some road crossings where his approach is probably the best way to get crosswalk compliance from vehicle operators.

    • Yes. We figured that out pretty early on. But we were wondering about the tactical gear and pepper spray for a crossing guard…

  2. The annual Thaipusam Walk 2025 (sometimes referred to as the Concord Temple Walk) took place this morning/afternoon, with thousands of people in attendance.

  3. In regard to the “tacticool” crossing guard….judging by his rippling muscles hidden under his choice of his apparel, one can only assume that he lives with his Mommy and the only time he leaves the control panel of his WW 2 shoot-em-up video game where he holds the rank of Supreme Commander of All Land Forces and Elite Sniper Teams. It’s really not his fault that he was teased so mercilessly in 3rd grade but he remembers it every day when he is herding the little brats across the street.

    • I’m sorry, but that was kind of snide. You’re speaking of a fellow human here. Hope he doesn’t read this.

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