To the Editor;
As the nation buries one president recognized as ahead of his time but reviled by many as “weak” we are left to deal with the national decision to return a convicted felon to a second tenure as the most powerful man in America if not the world.
This contradiction is hard to handle for many Americans. Others seem perfectly at ease with the decision. I for one find it unsettling and a hint of things to come. I sincerely hope those things don’t go the way they have in the past.
The upshot is that we appear to have certified a constitutionally disqualified domestic terrorist who has openly stated his desire to be a dictator to power with no time in prison and no probation. There are parallels I will not state but which should be apparent to any student of history.
I hope and pray we don’t make the same old mistakes and end up on unfortunate but preventable paths. We’re entering a critical time in our history.
Tom Liccardo/Martinez
Dear News24-680.
I honestly resent these editorials that you’ve been headlining to us lately. They are deeply political, and simingly from the same ‘Berkeley crowd’.
It makes me agree, what I’ve heard, that the left has lost its mind. They’re almost incoherent at this point. They need to chill! The way I see it, Trump ran the country better in his four years then we have definitely experienced in the last 4 years under Democrat control. The world was also more stable back then and has since unraveled in the last 4 years. I know liberals will never see that. Never. They always complain that the conservative Republicans put us a threat of world war, but the fact is we’ve generally been more peaceful during such Administrations. The world becomes unstable and on fire when we have the liberal, wishy-washy Administrations.
I welcome a return to Trump. The country will do better and the world will be more stable.
While didn’t start this posting to do an editorial I guess you could say this is my rebuttal.
Greg T – a refresher: An “editorial” is an opinion piece penned by the management of a news organization. What you’re reading, critiquing is a “Letter to the Editor,” drafted and sent in by a reader. For the record, you’re free to pen one, as are all our readers as long as they stay within our commonly used terms of service. Expressing one’s opinion on a topic is a right afforded citizens of this country, which the author of the letter has done. Disagreeing with that position is also a right, which you have just exercised. If you have something else to say please draft a Letter to the Editor, including your full name and phone number for verification.
Is it possible to even be treading water if you are swimming in the wrong context?
A word about the “more stable world” of 2020: were you in some kind of sensory depravation chamber at the time? I guess everything was fine, except for the raging pandemic that killed over a million of our fellow Americans, total economic chaos, riots in the streets, racists & Nazis feeling empowered to march and chant things like “Jews will not replace us,” an actual insurrection in which MAGA lunatics laid siege to the US Capitol at Trump’s behest (“I’ll meet you there” should be enough for anybody) because he refused to accept the FACT that he lost. When Biden took office unemployment was 6.9% – which he reduced to 3.9% in one year (the largest single year drop ever), and he is the only President EVER to preside over 4 years of unbroken employment growth. Is he perfect? No. Am I going run out and to plaster a freeway overpass with BIDEN signage? No.
But I think what bothers “the Left” about Trump the most is that his carnival barker act shouldn’t work, but it does. Nobody so absurdly amoral should have the “Christian” vote locked up. Nobody with that many business failures who routinely and proudly ripped off vendors and left his investors holding various bags should be regarded as a “great businessman.” Nobody who doesn’t know the difference between a windmill and a windfall profits tax should be anywhere near the White House. Nobody who sold you on the idea that he’s going to restore World Peace should be talking about how he won’t rule out the use of force to annex Greenland, Canada, and/or Panama. And that’s all before his felonies and sexual assault cases. The list goes on and on.
So our despair is about all that, and the fact that “the Right” will bend themselves into ideological pretzels to just explain it all away and head back to the overpass with their “God, Guns, and Trump” signs. That’s distressing. Or at least it should be.
Whoa, Nellie! We have not even seen the dark and stormy nights yet. The cronyism, the incompetence, the sociopathic disregard is still but a promise of things to come.
I won’t go as far as saying I’m a Trump fan, but I’ll give credit here credit is due. He did a good job of running the country, and the economy was in better shape when he was in office. Americans should be well aware of this, and in my opinion that’s why he was reelected.
If you base your life as to who is in office, with all due respect – you don’t have a life.