Apparently the species isn’t only found at the Orinda Car Show…
Military/aviation enthusiasts will no doubt know the type, nomenclature but pretty rare for these parts and nope… we don’t know what they were here for (you Skywatchers’ll probably know that bit, too) and, nope, we don’t think they’re Walnut Creek PD’s latest addition to their Traffic Enforcement Division…
This flight of three was unmarked and Skywatchers are abuzz.
Landed out at Orwood yesterday.
They were so low. Shook the house!!
Are these the wild trio that buzzed over 680/San Ramon on Friday night? That sent me down a real rabbit hole looking for info.
Readers reporting fly-bys from a variety of aircraft lately and by all accounts this flight was low. We have a bunch of pilots, ex-pilots and Skywatchers here so that has been helpful whenever exotic aircraft enters our airspace!