Home NEWS Police/Fire Fatal Crash Closes Northbound I680 In Walnut Creek Friday

Fatal Crash Closes Northbound I680 In Walnut Creek Friday


A motorist was killed and northbound I680 closed at Rudgear Road following a multi-vehicle crash on the freeway at 6 a.m. Friday.

Initial reports indicated that one vehicle had overturned with as many as four occupants trapped inside, passersby stopping and attempting to help as additional cars drove through debris and crashed at the site. The first vehicle to crash was believed to have been struck by another car after it rolled onto its side.

Visibility at the site was hampered by darkness, with some cars apparently “blacked out.” Four ambulances were requested at the scene.

Motorists reported an extensive debris trail on the highway, including a leaking propane tank which was dealt with by firefighters. First responders called for a SigAlert with the “fast lanes” closed for rescue and recovery efforts, that closure lifted at approximately 9:45a.m.


  1. Not a good start to the weekend. Everyone be safe. Condolences to the deceased’s family and wishing for a speedy and complete recovery to those who sustained injury. Do we have an actual tally of vehicles involved in the MVA?

    • Kinda difficult to tot up given conditions, Jeff, but one initially with at least two involved secondarily. We’re going with at least three with some civvie vehicles pulling over to help (well done!) that some witnesses may have mistaken for involved…

    • We’ll defer to comments from the locals in there but from our memory – there was a little bit of a dark void when we passed through. Complicated by lack of lighting from some cars last night, apparently.

  2. Horrific crash. Kudos to those who stopped to help and condolences to the family of the deceased.

    • TBD but usually means “driving without illumination.” But it sounds like people were having trouble seeing the wreckage out there this morning.

  3. Lots of cars out driving without actual lights turned on lately. Add in illegal tint and you can’t see crap from those illegal tinted vehicles, especially cars without lit tail lights ie lights aren’t on etc.

  4. Pretty much the basic nightmare to be trapped in a wrecked car and having another car run into you. Terrible thing.

  5. My uncle Eddie was killed in that accident and co worker was badly injured I hope the others that were involved are okay and made it home to there family safely

  6. This happened like one minute in front of me..praying for those involved. I commute home from work this way every morning and the speeding is bad. Not sure if that was a factor in this incident…but just want everyone to drive/stay safe!! Condolences to the person lost & their family.

  7. 680 is a dangerous road with too many lanes for the number of curves in the road. Add to this tailgate drivers and people switching lanes and it’s only a matter of time before an accident occurs.

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