Home NEWS Police/Fire Group Attempts Jewelry Theft In Walnut Creek Saturday – Police Say “Uh...

Group Attempts Jewelry Theft In Walnut Creek Saturday – Police Say “Uh Uh…”


A mixed group of young jewelry thieves allegedly tried their hand at a heist at the Target location at 1871 N. Main Street around 8:20 p.m. Saturday but – unlike other recent thefts – it didn’t go well as police moved in to make arrests.

The group was believed to have consisted mainly of juveniles though police were still in the process of identifying them as this is written.

Three young people and an older man were taken into custody not far from the store after attempting to reach a car they had parked nearby. Goods with an estimated value in excess of $1,000 were recovered.

Charges of organized retail theft are reportedly pending.

The swarm…


    • Definitely not…dudes that hit Labels were in and out quick and definitely wouldnt come back 2 days later to try and steal jewelry from Target😂 first of all Target doesn’t have jewelry thats even worth wearing, let alon stealing it….

  1. First let me say I totally believe in making an honest living and stealing from people that work hard and stores is not acceptable. But, at the same time this is the result of the systematic trap they have put blacks, minorities and other groups the government have put them in as well as the economy and cost of living here in California and around the world. In addition to them trying to eliminate the low and middle class by not providing them job opportunities and the chances to make an honest living. Bottom line people are resulting to doing whatever they can to support themselves and their families and the government needs to do something other than helping the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer. It’s almost like they are trying to kill people off by not providing opportunities, pay being to low and prices on food and living continuing to rise.

    • People like you that spew that bullshit it finding an excuse why people commit crimes and violate the rights of others is the problem. There are people that legally immigrate to this country in the last week who barely know the language and do not resort to crime. STOP WITH THE VICTIM MINDSET AND EXCHANGE FOR THE VICTOR MINDSET. You can always find an excuse for being a loser because winning in life takes hard work and perseverance. Unfortunately you sound like a loser too.

    • excuses excuses , there is no excuse for stealing , and there are plenty of jobs out there right now . They are paying $20 an hour to fast food workers now . Give me a break , these thieves are looking for quick money , and dont want to work for it like everyone else .

    • Respectfully …I very much disagree. Stealing/theft should never be ok! There are plenty of opportunities, jobs and places that are hiring right now. Our society just wants the “easy way”. Theft is NOT an excuse or a reason. Work an honest job like everyone else…

    • My mom grew up poor during the Great Depression with no running water in the house and an outhouse in a freezing Midwestern state. Eight kids. Didn’t go to the doctor unless near death. Immigrant parents from Europe. My grandmother has “servant” as a profession coming to this country. They did not steal or harm others just because they were poor. You do a disservice to all the decent, hardworking poor who live each day with a moral compass. My mom worked hard, read tons of books, and educated herself even though her education during the war years wasn’t great. I never heard my mom complain about being poor or think she was less than others. She was generous and helped those in need later in life who had hardships.

      • This is how I was raised to. Never felt like I was owed anything didn’t feel less then life was good .today’s family’s no dad’s the I am entitled attitude

  2. I wish they can get the real organizer i.e big fish. Someone is paying them to risk freedom! Like the rich lady in San Diego who was living in a mansion and paying young people to steal make-up from all over the country and then selling it on Amazon . She had been doing it for many years ! (Fact check – Google)

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