Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Home Letter To The Editor Letters: Blood On The Pickleball Court – Politics Alive In Rossmoor

Letters: Blood On The Pickleball Court – Politics Alive In Rossmoor


To the Editor;

After much talk in the community itself I was heartened to see coverage of rising political tensions in supposedly sedate Rossmoor.

With several friends in residence we were aware that the Over-55 community has grown miles apart from the placid, carefully mown facade its association works to project and protect, two residents actually coming to blows in a much talked about (internally) brawl that spilled over onto the pickleball court on July 13.

That hair pulling match, apparently started after some comments were made about a certain former president following the shootings in Butler, Pennsylvania, brought into sharp focus the divide impacting the country and a growing political fractionalism within Rossmoor itself.

Although mouths and police reports are closing up faster than the bar at Creekside Grill it is apparent many residents resent an apparent post fight crackdown on free speech – including limits placed on public protests and perceived restrictions on commentary in the community newsletter.

Though I was saddened to hear that blood – or hair – had been shed in the July 13 fight I was also heartened to know that activism and one’s political interest does not necessarily diminish with entry to a retirement community.

Apparently, there’s fire in the old girls yet.


Jean Evein/Walnut Creek


  1. I hear Rossmoor is getting quite contentious. A friend who lives there told me that there was a nude swimming pool protest a couple years back. Now daily there seems to be a woman protester on the main drag demanding more integration in the housing there. . It’s funny, Rossmoor used to be 70% Republican but in the last 10 years a lot of Berkeley/ Oakland retirees have come over the hill for a safer living environment and they brought tlheir activism with them.

    • I think it’s been longer than 10 years and they aren’t necessarily “activists”, most just like to stay engaged and see various speakers, etc. My Mom lived in Rossmoor for 20 years until she passed 2 years ago – she was in the Rossmoor Democratic club, which I believe is the largest club in Rossmoor and has been for some time going back to when she first moved there.

  2. I used to Love doing service calls in Rossmoor. Because no matter how long I’ve been on the job. There was always someone to call me young man.

  3. Why should Rossmoor be any different from the rest of the country? Thanksgiving Dinners have been battlegrounds for the past nine years.

  4. Btw, I’m currently reading ‘The Demon of Unrest’, written by Erik Larson. It’s a wonderful book about the beginning of the Civil War. There are parallels or similarities to what’s going on today, which is very concerning. For the sake of our country, I hope we can return to some level of normalcy.

    • Most definitely, John, and we share your interest in the period – as well as your hope for a return to sanity and our move forward as a great country.

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